New bipartisan House bill includes major PBM reforms

A bi­par­ti­san House bill in­tro­duced Fri­day af­ter­noon would add all sorts of new trans­paren­cy mea­sures around health­care and serve up ma­jor PBM re­forms as mem­bers of Con­gress on both sides of the aisle look to shake up the way phar­ma mid­dle­men op­er­ate.

The 231-page bill, known as the Low­er Costs, More Trans­paren­cy Act, in­cludes pro­vi­sions that would ban spread pric­ing in Med­ic­aid and re­quire PBMs to se­mi-an­nu­al­ly pro­vide em­ploy­ers with de­tailed da­ta on drug spend­ing, out-of-pock­et spend­ing, for­mu­la­ry place­ment ra­tio­nale and ag­gre­gate re­bate in­for­ma­tion.

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