New Teva ad campaign focuses on patients struggling with psychiatric drug side effect

Te­va is fo­cused on grow­ing its Auste­do brand to treat tar­dive dysk­i­ne­sia, a side ef­fect of some men­tal health med­ica­tions, jump­start­ing this year with a new jin­gle and cam­paign dri­ving pa­tient aware­ness.

A video ad­ver­tise­ment, de­buted last month, fea­tures an ac­tress strug­gling to pour a cup of cof­fee. Tar­dive dysk­i­ne­sia, or TD, can cause in­vol­un­tary move­ments, mak­ing sim­ple dai­ly tasks chal­leng­ing. Auste­do was first ap­proved to treat TD in 2017, then again last year as an ex­tend­ed-re­lease once-dai­ly tablet.

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