Newly hopeful, biopharma still faces an uncertain 2024

De­spite cau­tious op­ti­mism in bio­phar­ma cir­cles about 2024, there’s emerg­ing think­ing that such sen­ti­ment is not guar­an­teed to trans­late in­to ma­te­r­i­al gains.

The Fed­er­al Re­serve’s an­nounce­ment last month about cut­ting in­ter­est rates three times this year sent bio­phar­ma in­to a fren­zy. Af­ter two years of a poor fi­nanc­ing en­vi­ron­ment, brought on in part by macro­eco­nom­ic fac­tors and a sharp de­cline in IPOs, in­vestors and an­a­lysts cheered the po­ten­tial rate cuts. De­cem­ber was the XBI’s best month in a decade.

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