NIH funding cuts, a U.S. brain drain, and bold claims from AI drug developers

What are “indirect costs” for universities? Why are some young scientists looking at opportunities abroad? And why are AI drug developers so secretive?

We bring on biotech reporter Jonathan Wosen to discuss the NIH’s decision to dramatically cut funding for overhead costs paid to research institutions and the potential implications for U.S. biomedical innovation.


We also chat with health tech reporter Brittany Trang about the claims that two drug developers, Absci and Generate:Biomedicines, have made about the capabilities of their artificial intelligence technologies, and why some experts are skeptical.

For an explainer on the NIH funding cuts, go here; to read more on concerns about a U.S. brain drain, go here; to read more about the biopharma industry’s silence on the NIH cuts, go here; to learn more about whether the claims by AI drug developers are hype or reality, go here; and to sign up for Brittany’s new AI newsletter, click here.

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