Nkarta breaks silence on CAR-NK therapy for AML after a year, shares tumble

Nkar­ta hopes us­ing a dif­fer­ent chemother­a­py reg­i­men ahead of dos­ing its CAR-NK cell ther­a­py will lead to bet­ter re­sults in acute myeloid leukemia pa­tients whose can­cer con­tin­ued to grow af­ter pre­vi­ous treat­ment op­tions.

In its first up­date on NKX101 since April 2022, Nkar­ta pre­sent­ed da­ta from two groups of pa­tients treat­ed with dif­fer­ent chemother­a­py reg­i­mens used to clear out their white blood cells ahead of dos­ing the CAR-NK cells.

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