Novartis hands PeptiDream $180M upfront to extend radiopharma discovery pact

No­var­tis is look­ing to build on its ra­dio­phar­ma re­search ma­chin­ery.

The mak­er of Lu­tathera and Plu­vic­to has ex­pand­ed its long­stand­ing pep­tide dis­cov­ery deal with Pep­tiDream to bol­ster their work on pep­tides for con­ju­ga­tion with ra­dionu­clide com­pounds.

The Japan­ese biotech, which has a long list of drug de­vel­op­ment part­ners, will get $180 mil­lion up­front and is el­i­gi­ble for up to $2.71 bil­lion in mile­stones, as well as tiered roy­al­ties on net sales of any po­ten­tial prod­ucts, ac­cord­ing to a Tues­day re­lease.

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