Novartis makes a $1B radiopharma deal, buying Mariana Oncology

No­var­tis will pay $1 bil­lion up­front to ac­quire ra­dio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal start­up Mar­i­ana On­col­o­gy, just eight months af­ter the pre­clin­i­cal biotech com­pa­ny dis­closed a $175 mil­lion Se­ries B.

The move, which could in­clude an­oth­er $750 mil­lion in mile­stones, fur­ther so­lid­i­fies the Swiss drug gi­ant’s em­brace of the red-hot field of ra­dio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals. No­var­tis mar­kets two such med­i­cines, Lu­tathera and Plu­vic­to, and just ear­li­er this week ex­pand­ed its ra­dio­phar­ma dis­cov­ery tie-up with Pep­tiDream.

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