Novartis reportedly in talks to buy MorphoSys; Astellas cuts PhII program; Silence’s $120M private placement

Plus, news about Ad­verum, Bridge­Bio Phar­ma, Vax­cyte, Cor­bus and Im­muno­core:

No­var­tis re­port­ed­ly in deal talks with Mor­phoSys: The Swiss Big Phar­ma is in ad­vanced talks to buy the Ger­man drug­mak­er, Reuters re­port­ed Mon­day, cit­ing un­named sources. The news out­let al­so re­port­ed that In­cyte had made an of­fer. Mor­phoSys’ mar­ket cap is cur­rent­ly about $2.2 bil­lion, and the biotech’s shares $MOR rose about 45% on the news. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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