Novartis returns for another piece of IFM Therapeutics

Af­ter buy­ing a por­tion of IFM Ther­a­peu­tics’ pipeline in 2019, No­var­tis is back for a sec­ond help­ing as it bags its STING an­tag­o­nists.

The Swiss Big Phar­ma had paid $90 mil­lion up­front a few years ago for an op­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tion agree­ment and would pay up to $745 mil­lion in mile­stones if it opt­ed to ac­quire IFM’s sub­sidiary IFM Due.

Its time is due, and the com­pa­nies said Wednes­day that No­var­tis will have full rights to IFM Due’s port­fo­lio of STING an­tag­o­nists, which could turn in­to treat­ments for in­flam­ma­tion-dri­ven dis­eases. The deal is a re­sult of a four-year pre­clin­i­cal tie-up on small mol­e­cules.

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