Novartis strikes a $103M deal for bluebird’s PRV — if it wins one

An FDA de­ci­sion on blue­bird bio’s third gene ther­a­py isn’t ex­pect­ed un­til De­cem­ber, but No­var­tis has al­ready locked up a po­ten­tial pri­or­i­ty re­view vouch­er that might re­sult.

No­var­tis agreed to pur­chase blue­bird’s Rare Pe­di­atric Dis­ease PRV for $103 mil­lion, should the FDA grant one, blue­bird an­nounced Mon­day. Its gene ther­a­py lovotibeglo­gene au­totem­cel (lo­vo-cel) is cur­rent­ly un­der FDA re­view for sick­le cell dis­ease in pa­tients 12 years and old­er, with a de­ci­sion an­tic­i­pat­ed by Dec. 20.

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