Novartis unveils new brand identity after Sandoz spinoff

The new No­var­tis — with the gener­ics and biosim­i­lar busi­ness San­doz spun out along with a strate­gi­cal­ly culled drug pipeline — is kick­ing off its next chap­ter with a new brand iden­ti­ty and po­si­tion­ing, de­but­ing to­day. The bio­phar­ma is com­bin­ing its sci­ence her­itage with a soft­er side, bring­ing pa­tients and part­ner­ships to the fore­front in the brand makeover.

A new 30-sec­ond brand an­them video opens with that am­bi­tion, as a voice-over and on­screen pledge promise: “We’re with you.” Im­ages of peo­ple and pa­tients hug­ging, danc­ing, help­ing and hold­ing each oth­er fill the screen as No­var­tis makes a pur­pose­ful move away from sci­en­tif­ic shots to re­al peo­ple.

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