Novavax says updated Covid-19 jab works against two subvariants; Ultimovacs revises PhII cancer vaccine readout

No­vavax said that its up­dat­ed XBB-tar­get­ing Covid-19 vac­cine showed neu­tral­iz­ing an­ti­body re­sponse to­ward XBB sub­vari­ants EG.5.1 and XBB.1.16.6.

The ex­act specifics of the da­ta, ob­tained from small an­i­mal and non-hu­man pri­mate stud­ies, re­main undis­closed. The biotech added that XBB sub­lin­eage vari­ants make up the ma­jor­i­ty of Covid-19 cas­es in the US and the EU.

The com­pa­ny re­vealed ear­li­er this month it was plan­ning to fin­ish fil­ing its up­dat­ed vac­cine to the FDA by the end of Au­gust in a bid to get it on the mar­ket by Sep­tem­ber for the fall vac­ci­na­tion sea­son.

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