Novo nabs over a third of diabetes market, a year ahead of schedule

No­vo Nordisk’s GLP-1 drugs may have been the cen­ter of at­ten­tion dur­ing its first-quar­ter earn­ings call, but the com­pa­ny’s broad­er di­a­betes port­fo­lio beat its tar­get for a greater glob­al mar­ket stake one year ear­ly.

Over the past 12 months, No­vo’s share in the di­a­betes mar­ket has grown from 32.2% to 34%, which “is above our [orig­i­nal] strate­gic as­pi­ra­tion,” head of com­mer­cial strat­e­gy and cor­po­rate af­fairs Camil­la Sylvest said on Thurs­day’s in­vestor call. Dur­ing its Cap­i­tal Mar­kets Day in 2019, No­vo set the goal of se­cur­ing one-third of the glob­al di­a­betes mar­ket by 2025.

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