Novo Nordisk boosts anti-obesity stigma efforts with film and TV documentary partnerships

No­vo Nordisk is am­pli­fy­ing its ef­forts to dis­pel bias and stig­ma around obe­si­ty with two spon­sored doc­u­men­tary projects. The first is a fea­ture-length film and fi­nal­ist at the Tribeca X brand­ed film awards this week called “Em­bod­ied” about five peo­ple who are fight­ing back against weight stig­ma.

The sec­ond project is a four-part do­cuseries called “Thick Skin” air­ing on Sun­dance TV and AMC Net­work that fol­lows four women in Philadel­phia “about the last bas­tion of un­abashed cru­el­ty per­mit­ted, and even en­cour­aged, by our di­et-ob­sessed so­ci­ety.”

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