Novo Nordisk continues diabetes, obesity sales rise, but still on the back foot with Wegovy supply

As de­mand for No­vo Nordisk’s GLP-1 prod­ucts con­tin­ues un­abat­ed, all eyes are on the phar­ma gi­ant to meet de­mand.

Start­ing this month, No­vo has more than dou­bled its starter dos­es for We­govy in the US, which could be re­flect­ed in script num­bers over the next few weeks, CEO Lars Fruer­gaard Jør­gensen said on a me­dia call Wednes­day morn­ing. The com­pa­ny be­gan re­strict­ing starter dos­es in May.

But sup­ply re­mains un­steady, as We­govy sup­ply is­sues con­tin­ue due to un­wa­ver­ing de­mand. Ac­cord­ing to the FDA, it is still in short­age in the US. “It’s prob­a­bly to be ex­pect­ed that for quite some time. There’ll be a de­mand that out­grows what can be pro­duced by us and prob­a­bly al­so com­pe­ti­tion,” Jør­gensen said.

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