Novo Nordisk Foundation backs effort to build supercomputer with Nvidia

SAN JOSE, Cal­i­for­nia — The No­vo Nordisk Foun­da­tion is lead­ing Den­mark’s charge in­to AI, an­nounc­ing a deal on Mon­day with Nvidia to build a su­per­com­put­er for the Nordic coun­try.

No­vo’s foun­da­tion, the world’s wealth­i­est char­i­ty thanks to its ma­jor­i­ty hold­ing in the drug­mak­ing gi­ant No­vo Nordisk, will ini­tial­ly com­mit about $88 mil­lion to build a su­per­com­put­er called GEFION that it ex­pects to be op­er­a­tional be­fore year’s end. Den­mark’s Ex­port and In­vest­ment Fund will chip in about $15 mil­lion more to help launch the com­pa­ny, called the Dan­ish Cen­ter for AI In­no­va­tion.

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