Novo Nordisk launches head-to-head trial with Eli Lilly as weight loss rivalry heats up

As Eli Lil­ly launch­es its new­ly ap­proved weight loss med Zep­bound to much fan­fare, No­vo Nordisk is toss­ing a next-gen can­di­date in the ring.

The Dan­ish phar­ma com­pa­ny is launch­ing a Phase III head-to-head tri­al com­par­ing Zep­bound (tirzepatide) to its ex­per­i­men­tal Ca­griSe­ma, which com­bines No­vo’s block­buster We­govy (semaglu­tide) with the ex­per­i­men­tal long-act­ing amylin ana­log ca­gril­in­tide. The study will en­roll 800 pa­tients, with an es­ti­mat­ed com­ple­tion in the sec­ond half of 2025, ac­cord­ing to a list­ing on clin­i­cal­tri­

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