Novo Nordisk secures first two wins in legal battle against compounding pharmacies, wellness centers

Fed­er­al judges have blocked two Flori­da well­ness cen­ters from us­ing No­vo Nordisk’s trade­mark to mar­ket com­pound­ed drugs con­tain­ing its di­a­betes and weight loss block­buster semaglu­tide.

The judg­ments, from two sep­a­rate courts in Mi­a­mi and Tal­la­has­see, are the first wins in No­vo’s le­gal cam­paign against what it claims is im­prop­er mar­ket­ing. No­vo has filed 12 law­suits against com­pound­ing phar­ma­cies and well­ness cen­ters in sev­er­al states, ar­gu­ing that mis­lead­ing ad­ver­tis­ing is like­ly to make con­sumers be­lieve they’re buy­ing au­then­tic No­vo prod­ucts.

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