Novo unlikely to outsource API production for GLP-1s but will stay engaged with fill-finish partners

No­vo Nordisk spelled out how it will try to catch up with the ex­tra­or­di­nary de­mand for its GLP-1 drugs, un­der­scor­ing its ra­tio­nale for its in-house API pro­duc­tion and strate­gic fill-fin­ish de­ci­sions such as the pur­chase of three Catal­ent fa­cil­i­ties.

Al­though the Dan­ish gi­ant’s GLP-1 as­sets are still in short sup­ply, EVP of Prod­uct Sup­ply Hen­rik Wulff de­scribed No­vo as the “clear leader” in di­a­betes and obe­si­ty GLP-1 vol­ume. The com­pa­ny now has 25,000 work­ers in man­u­fac­tur­ing alone, which is up from 16,000 staffers just over two years ago.

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