Novocure to lay off 200 workers, narrow pipeline for electric fields cancer therapy

Novo­cure said it will lay off 13% of its glob­al work­force, or about 200 em­ploy­ees, as part of a $60 mil­lion cull in its op­er­at­ing spend­ing.

The Swiss on­col­o­gy drug­mak­er said Tues­day it will now fo­cus its de­vel­op­ment work on a trio of ran­dom­ized tri­als — TRI­DENT, KEYNOTE D58 and LU­NAR-2 — for its so-called Tu­mor Treat­ing Fields ther­a­py.

The biotech al­so ex­pects Phase III read­outs next year for two ran­dom­ized stud­ies in brain metas­tases from non-small cell lung can­cer and lo­cal­ly ad­vanced pan­cre­at­ic can­cer.

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