Nuvation Bio shares pivotal China data for cancer drug from AnHeart buyout

Nu­va­tion Bio show­cased longer-term Phase 2 da­ta around the next-gen ROS1 in­hibitor it hopes will give Pfiz­er and Bris­tol My­ers Squibb a run for their mon­ey.

In a study con­duct­ed in Chi­na, tale­trec­tinib spurred an over­all re­sponse rate of 91% among ad­vanced and metasta­t­ic non-small cell lung can­cer pa­tients with the ROS1 mu­ta­tion who have nev­er tak­en a ty­ro­sine ki­nase in­hibitor (TKI), out to a me­di­an fol­low-up of 23.5 months. In a small­er group of pa­tients pre­treat­ed with a TKI, the over­all re­sponse rate was 52% at a me­di­an fol­low-up of 9.7 months.

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