Obesity drugmaker lands first biopharma uplisting onto Nasdaq since last summer

For the first time since last sum­mer, a biotech has up­list­ed from an over-the-counter stock ex­change to the Nas­daq. Such a move has be­come a rar­i­ty in re­cent years, mir­ror­ing the dif­fi­cul­ty that drug de­vel­op­ers have had in go­ing through ini­tial pub­lic of­fer­ings.

But be­hind the in­dus­try’s first up­list­ing of 2024, from San Diego biotech Skye Bio­science, is in­vestors’ in­ter­est in an area of drug R&D that every ther­a­peu­tics de­vel­op­er wants in on right now: the next wave of obe­si­ty med­ica­tions.

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