‘Obesity plus’: What’s next for GLP-1s?

No­vo Nordisk and Eli Lil­ly are set to make bil­lions of dol­lars each year off their GLP-1s, but pa­tients and pre­scribers are still ea­ger for im­proved drugs, cit­ing GI side ef­fects, mus­cle loss and weight gain af­ter stop­ping treat­ment.

Add in the po­ten­tial for drugs like No­vo’s semaglu­tide (mar­ket­ed as We­govy for weight loss and Ozem­pic for type 2 di­a­betes) and Lil­ly’s tirzepatide (ap­proved as Zep­bound for weight loss and Moun­jaro for di­a­betes) to im­prove car­diometa­bol­ic func­tion, and these drugs may tap in­to what in­dus­try in­sid­ers are now call­ing the “obe­si­ty plus” or “GLP-1 plus” op­por­tu­ni­ty.

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