Oculis eye drop secures another late-stage win, this time in post-cataract surgery inflammation and pain 

Oculis re­vealed an­oth­er win for its eye drops in a Phase III tri­al in post-cataract surgery in­flam­ma­tion and pain — af­ter tout­ing an ear­li­er late-stage study suc­cess back in May.

The Swiss biotech said the OP­TI­MIZE tri­al that stud­ied its once-dai­ly OCS-01 eye drops de­liv­ered sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant im­prove­ments over a ve­hi­cle com­para­tor in in­flam­ma­tion and pain co­pri­ma­ry end­points.

Oculis CEO Ri­ad Sherif said on an in­vestor call Tues­day that the next step is to start an­oth­er Phase III tri­al to sup­port a po­ten­tial NDA sub­mis­sion. The ex­act tim­ing was not dis­closed. How­ev­er, Sharif said Oculis is work­ing on the sec­ond tri­al right now and plans to sub­mit an NDA by the end of next year.

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