OcuTerra’s diabetic retinopathy drug fails PhII; Better Therapeutics to shut down

Plus, news about Im­muneer­ing, Adi­tum Bio, Uni­cy­cive and X-Ther­ma:

OcuTer­ra Ther­a­peu­tics’ di­a­bet­ic retinopa­thy drug fails PhII: The com­pa­ny’s RGD in­te­grin in­hibitor did not meet the pri­ma­ry end­point of per­cent­age of pa­tients with a min­i­mum two-step im­prove­ment in the di­a­bet­ic retinopa­thy sever­i­ty scale ver­sus place­bo. OcuTer­ra said it is re­view­ing the da­ta to “eval­u­ate the fu­ture” of the nes­vate­grast pro­gram. — Ay­isha Shar­ma

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