Of the few preclinical IPOs, Metagenomi keeps details about IND plans close

There’s no word yet on when Metageno­mi will en­ter the clin­ic.

In its first quar­ter­ly up­date as a pub­lic com­pa­ny, the Cal­i­for­nia biotech said Wednes­day that its cash run­way is set to take it in­to 2027 and bankroll two INDs along the way, but it was mum on when the first study could be­gin.

That didn’t sur­prise an­a­lysts since Metageno­mi went pub­lic last month in one of the most high-pro­file pre­clin­i­cal IPOs in re­cent mem­o­ry. The com­pa­ny is at­tempt­ing to find new en­zymes and cre­ate gene-edit­ing tools.

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