Ogilvy Health taps longtime WPP exec Renata Maia as chief creative officer

The new chief cre­ative of­fi­cer at Ogilvy Health is a fa­mil­iar face in­side the WPP net­work.

For more than 20 years, Re­na­ta Ma­ia has worked at WPP agen­cies, in­clud­ing Wun­der­man Thomp­son Health, VM­LY&R and Grey. On Mon­day, she joined Ogilvy Health as chief cre­ative of­fi­cer for North Amer­i­ca, the same day that Adam Hes­sel an­nounced he left the Ogilvy Health role to be­come head of cre­ative and ex­pe­ri­ence at The Bloc, an in­de­pen­dent health agency.

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