Oncolytic virus startup Calidi secures $25M toward Series B round

Ca­li­di Bio­ther­a­peu­tics, a San Diego biotech work­ing on de­vel­op­ing al­lo­gene­ic cell de­liv­ery of on­colyt­ic virus­es, said Fri­day that in­vestors have com­mit­ted $25 mil­lion to a Se­ries B round.

The press re­lease says that the fund­ing is led by At­lanta in­vest­ment firm Jack­son In­vest­ment Group, which con­tributed an ini­tial $5 mil­lion. An ad­di­tion­al group of new and pre­vi­ous in­vestors called Ca­li­di Cure, led by Ca­li­di CEO Al­lan Ca­maisa, al­so par­tic­i­pat­ed in the round.

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