Operation Warp Speed redux: HHS awards $1.4B to develop next-gen Covid-19 drugs and vaccines

HHS on Tues­day an­nounced it’s pump­ing $1.4 bil­lion in gov­ern­ment funds in­to next-gen Covid-19 med­ical prod­ucts in the pipeline, in­clud­ing $326 mil­lion to Re­gen­eron to help de­vel­op a Covid-19 mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body.

The an­nounce­ment is the first pub­lic step for­ward for Project NextGen, which aims to spend $5 bil­lion on de­vel­op­ing new Covid-19 ther­a­pies and vac­cines, the Biden ad­min­is­tra­tion an­nounced in May.

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