Ophthalmic biotech raises $16.5M; Pfizer’s AI collaboration bears fruit

Plus, news about Biodexa Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals:

RevOp­sis Ther­a­peu­tics se­cures $16.5M seed round: The San Car­los, CA-based biotech will use the funds to com­plete IND-en­abling stud­ies for its lead can­di­date, RO-104, for neo­vas­cu­lar age-re­lat­ed mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion and hire key man­age­ment staff. First-in-hu­man stud­ies of RO-104 are ex­pect­ed to start in 2025, the com­pa­ny said.

Pfiz­er and CeMM tout AI plat­form: Pfiz­er worked with the Aus­tri­an re­search cen­ter, CeMM Forschungszen­trum für Moleku­lare Medi­zin, to scale a plat­form that en­ables them to mea­sure “how hun­dreds of small mol­e­cules with var­i­ous chem­i­cal struc­tures in­ter­act with all ex­pressed pro­teins in liv­ing cells.” The process has led to a cat­a­log of tens of thou­sands of lig­and-pro­tein in­ter­ac­tions that can now be used for drug dis­cov­ery pur­pos­es.

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