OrbiMed and Third Rock’s Terremoto Biosciences raises $175M for small molecule R&D

Ter­re­mo­to Bio­sciences has reeled in $175 mil­lion to cre­ate small mol­e­cules based on work from Prin­cip­ia Bio­phar­ma co-founder Jack Taunton and Glob­al Blood Ther­a­peu­tics co-founder Matthew Ja­cob­son.

The Se­ries B ar­rives 18 months af­ter the South San Fran­cis­co biotech emerged with $75 mil­lion from Or­biMed and Third Rock Ven­tures. Thurs­day’s fi­nanc­ing is an­oth­er sign that Third Rock is dou­bling down on se­lect com­pa­nies in its port­fo­lio, with Rap­port Ther­a­peu­tics bag­ging two nine-fig­ure rounds this year and CAR­GO Ther­a­peu­tics plan­ning an IPO less than 12 months af­ter its big un­veil­ing.

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