Orbital Therapeutics closes South San Francisco lab, eliminating some roles

Or­bital Ther­a­peu­tics, a well-fund­ed biotech born out of buzzy base edit­ing com­pa­ny Beam Ther­a­peu­tics, has shut­tered its South San Fran­cis­co of­fice.

The start­up was un­veiled in April with a $270 mil­lion Se­ries A from ARCH Ven­ture Part­ners, a16z Bio + Health, and more than half a dozen oth­er in­vestors. The com­pa­ny is work­ing on RNA med­i­cines in­clud­ing vac­cines, pro­tein re­place­ment ther­a­pies and im­munomod­u­la­tors, with the first ex­pect­ed to en­ter the clin­ic with­in two to four years, CEO Giuseppe Cia­ramel­la told End­points News at the time.

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