Organon adds Eli Lilly migraine meds to women’s health portfolio in Europe

Mer­ck spin­off Organon is adding two Eli Lil­ly mi­graine treat­ments to its Eu­ro­pean port­fo­lio as it con­tin­ues to look for new of­fer­ings to fill out its women’s health port­fo­lio.

The com­pa­ny is in­ter­est­ed in “any­thing that is dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly af­fect­ing the health of women,” re­gion­al pres­i­dent of com­mer­cial in Eu­rope and Cana­da Nico van Hoecke told End­points News on Mon­day. Lil­ly’s Em­gal­i­ty (gal­canezum­ab) and Reyvow (las­mid­i­tan) fit that bill, as mi­graine is three times more com­mon in women than men. Organon has agreed to shell out $50 mil­lion up­front for the com­mer­cial rights in Eu­rope, in ad­di­tion to sales-based mile­stones.

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