Organon’s Humira biosimilar gets exclusive spot on VA formulary

Ab­b­Vie’s Hu­mi­ra is get­ting swapped out for Organon’s biosim­i­lar Hadli­ma on the US De­part­ment of Vet­er­ans Af­fairs’ na­tion­al for­mu­la­ry.

The move marks a big win for Organon as the drug from Mer­ck’s women’s health spin­off com­petes with eight oth­er biosim­i­lars for a share of Hu­mi­ra’s in­flam­ma­to­ry dis­ease mar­ket. Hadli­ma could be the on­ly biosim­i­lar on the VA’s for­mu­la­ry for the next five years, ac­cord­ing to the terms of the con­tract.

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