OTC naloxone nasal spray to cost about as much as the brand-name, prescription version

The FDA re­cent­ly ap­proved mul­ti­ple over-the-counter (OTC) ver­sions of the nasal spray that can re­verse opi­oid over­dos­es, promis­ing new low-cost com­peti­tors. But now a non­prof­it that won one of the ap­provals says its spray will cost about the same, if not slight­ly more, than the brand-name pre­scrip­tion ver­sion.

The non­prof­it Harm Re­duc­tion Ther­a­peu­tics, or HRT, which has been fund­ed with $20 mil­lion from the now-bank­rupt opi­oid sell­er Pur­due Phar­ma, con­firmed to End­points News that its OTC nalox­one nasal spray known as Ri­V­ive will be avail­able in Jan. 2024 at a cost of $36.

Endpoints News

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