Otsuka, Lundbeck’s new campaign spotlights agitation symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease

About half of old­er peo­ple liv­ing with Alzheimer’s dis­ease will de­vel­op ag­i­ta­tion, man­i­fest­ed in ways such as ver­bal or phys­i­cal ag­gres­sion or rest­less­ness. But it’s not al­ways well known or talked about.

Ot­su­ka, along with part­ner Lund­beck, wants to change that with a new cam­paign that shines a bright light on the re­al­i­ties of ag­i­ta­tion in Alzheimer’s.

A TV com­mer­cial shows old­er hands clenched and pound­ing a ta­ble, and an old­er woman’s face twist­ed in anger and shout­ing. A young woman nar­ra­tor says: “These hands used to hold me as a lit­tle girl … but now they’ve be­come ag­gres­sive. This mouth used to sing me lul­la­bies. Now it’s un­rec­og­niz­able.”

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