Otsuka partners with former Olympic swimmer on kidney disease campaign

Ot­su­ka is part­ner­ing with for­mer Olympic swim­mer Mis­sy Franklin to raise aware­ness for a rare hered­i­tary kid­ney dis­ease that has af­fect­ed her fam­i­ly.

Franklin’s fa­ther and mul­ti­ple oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers were di­ag­nosed with au­to­so­mal dom­i­nant poly­cys­tic kid­ney dis­ease (ADP­KD), a fast-pro­gress­ing ail­ment that caus­es cysts to de­vel­op in the kid­neys, putting pa­tients at risk of kid­ney fail­ure. While av­er­age kid­neys are the size of a fist, poly­cys­tic kid­neys can grow to the size of a foot­ball, ac­cord­ing to the PKD Foun­da­tion.

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