Outsourcing company SterRx to shut New York plant and lay off 161 employees due to ‘economic’ reasons

Ster­Rx is clos­ing down its out­sourc­ing plant in Platts­burgh, NY, and ax­ing 161 em­ploy­ees in the process.

A WARN no­tice filed in New York last week (Ju­ly 26) re­vealed the pend­ing lay­offs, which are set to start on Oct. 24, with em­ploy­ees split be­tween its man­u­fac­tur­ing and dis­tri­b­u­tion fa­cil­i­ties. The no­tice cit­ed “eco­nom­ic” rea­sons for the lay­offs.

Per its web­site, the com­pa­ny com­pounds prod­ucts for clients, in­clud­ing mor­phine, ep­i­neph­rine and dil­ti­azem, a drug used for chest pain and high blood pres­sure.

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