Owkin launches new startup to ‘capture laws of biology’ with $35M seed round

Sci­en­tists from AI biotech Owkin and Google Deep­Mind have come to­geth­er to form Biop­ti­mus, a nascent French start­up work­ing to cre­ate an AI foun­da­tion­al mod­el for bi­ol­o­gy. It’s start­ing with $35 mil­lion in seed fi­nanc­ing, as dis­closed Tues­day morn­ing.

The goal is to help re­searchers, da­ta sci­en­tists, biotechs, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies and oth­ers in the bio­med­ical and en­vi­ron­men­tal sci­ences com­mu­ni­ties to gain a more thor­ough un­der­stand­ing of bi­ol­o­gy to make bet­ter med­i­cines and di­ag­nos­tic tools, among oth­er in­no­va­tions, gen­er­al man­ag­er and co-founder David Ca­hané said in an in­ter­view with End­points News. He’s al­so chief so­lu­tions of­fi­cer at Owkin.

Endpoints News

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