Oxford Biomedica pivots by laying off 200 people, acquiring ABL Europe amid declining total revenues

In its bid to be­come a pure-play cell and gene ther­a­py CD­MO, Ox­ford Bio­med­ica is lay­ing off 200 staff mem­bers in the UK and US, as well as ini­ti­at­ing the process to ac­quire ABL Eu­rope to fur­ther lean in­to the vi­ral vec­tor space.

In the face of de­clin­ing over­all rev­enues — by as much as 33% — Ox­ford Bio­med­ica not­ed a sil­ver lin­ing in the in­crease in lentivi­ral vec­tor sales, as per its half-year fi­nan­cial re­sults re­leased Wednes­day. Its pure-play strat­e­gy means it would stop in­ter­nal prod­uct de­vel­op­ment.

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