Ozempic sales surge could continue into 2024, researchers say

No­vo Nordisk’s di­a­betes treat­ment Ozem­pic could be the drug in­dus­try’s sec­ond-high­est sell­er in 2024, ac­cord­ing to Eval­u­ate’s lat­est fore­cast, as an­a­lysts and physi­cians sig­nal the be­gin­ning of a new era for weight man­age­ment.

The fore­cast ex­pects Ozem­pic to gen­er­ate near­ly $12.4 bil­lion in 2023. If the mar­ket re­search firm’s pre­dic­tions are cor­rect, the GLP-1 treat­ment will rank fifth among this year’s top-sell­ing drugs af­ter not even en­ter­ing the top 10 in 2022. No­vo’s obe­si­ty and di­a­betes care sales have sky­rock­et­ed in re­cent months, up 39% in Q2 2023 com­pared to Q2 2022, ac­cord­ing to the com­pa­ny’s lat­est earn­ings re­port.

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