Patent appeal board takes up Ozempic challenge

The US Patent and Trade­mark Of­fice’s Patent Tri­al and Ap­peal Board has agreed to take an­oth­er look at a patent cov­er­ing cer­tain strengths of No­vo Nordisk’s GLP-1 block­buster Ozem­pic, ac­cord­ing to gener­ic drug com­pa­ny Vi­a­tris.

The chal­lenge was brought by My­lan Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, now part of Vi­a­tris, which al­so re­quest­ed a re­view of two oth­er patents pro­tect­ing semaglu­tide. The board de­nied those re­quests ear­li­er this week, but has agreed to re­view the third patent, num­ber ‘462, a Vi­a­tris spokesper­son said via email on Wednes­day.

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