Patient foundation accuses rare disease company Taysha of violating licensing agreement

A pa­tient group this sum­mer ac­cused Taysha Gene Ther­a­pies of breach­ing a con­tract to de­vel­op a ther­a­py for an ul­tra-rare con­di­tion, an­oth­er sign of deep ten­sions be­tween the com­pa­ny and fam­i­ly foun­da­tions.

In Ju­ly, Han­nah’s Hope Fund claimed that Taysha breached a li­cens­ing agree­ment that called for the com­pa­ny to de­vel­op a ther­a­py for gi­ant ax­on­al neu­ropa­thy, an ul­tra-rare con­di­tion that ren­ders pa­tients quad­ri­pleg­ic and is fol­lowed by ear­ly death, ac­cord­ing to an SEC fil­ing on Tues­day.

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