Pelago raises $58M to expand online substance use treatment

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Pela­go, which pro­vides dig­i­tal sub­stance use treat­ment for sub­stances like opi­oids and to­bac­co, said it is ex­pand­ing to cov­er more sub­stances as em­ploy­ers seek out a dig­i­tal so­lu­tion to low­er costs.

The start­up on Thurs­day said it raised $58 mil­lion in Se­ries C fund­ing, bring­ing its to­tal to $151 mil­lion. It sends pa­tients re­mote mon­i­tor­ing de­vices such as breath­a­lyz­ers, pro­vides vir­tu­al ac­cess to physi­cians and coach­es, and pre­scribes med­ica­tion if need­ed.

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