Pfizer and AbbVie oral migraine drugs earn top spots with physicians, survey finds

Oral drugs have raced to the front of the pack in the crowd­ed mi­graine ther­a­py space and ap­pear to be stay­ing put with physi­cians.

Pri­ma­ry care physi­cians in par­tic­u­lar are pre­scrib­ing Pfiz­er’s Nurtec and Ab­b­Vie’s Ubrelvy and Qulip­ta, ac­cord­ing to Spher­ix Glob­al In­sights’ lat­est quar­ter­ly sur­vey of mi­graine drug pre­scribers. Pri­ma­ry docs re­port­ed more than 27% of pa­tients on Nurtec for acute use and about 20% for pre­ven­ta­tive care.

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