Pfizer and BioNTech urge US patent review board to take on Moderna’s Covid patents

Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech have once again made their case for the US Patent Tri­al and Ap­peal Board (PT­AB) to weigh in on a Covid-19 patent dis­pute with Mod­er­na, fol­low­ing up on a re­quest for re­view of their claims de­spite a par­al­lel case on­go­ing in fed­er­al court.

The three com­pa­nies have been fight­ing over the venues in which the al­le­ga­tions will be heard. Last month, Mod­er­na urged the PT­AB to re­ject Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech’s re­quest for re­view, and to let the court case play out. The Cam­bridge, MA biotech ar­gued that Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech were try­ing to get “two bites at the in­va­lid­i­ty ap­ple.”

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