Pfizer-backed UK biotech raises £25M to advance mitophagy pipeline

Mis­sion Ther­a­peu­tics has se­cured £25.2 mil­lion ($32.2 mil­lion) in a Se­ries D raise to ex­tend its run­way through 2026 and sup­port the de­vel­op­ment of its mi­to­chon­dria-tar­get­ing drugs.

The ven­ture arms of Pfiz­er and Roche co-led the raise along­side oth­er ex­ist­ing in­vestors Sofinno­va Part­ners, SR One, IP Group and Roset­ta Cap­i­tal, ac­cord­ing to a com­pa­ny re­lease. The round brings Mis­sion’s to­tal raised to date to £117 mil­lion ($149.8 mil­lion), a com­pa­ny spokesper­son told End­points News.

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