Pfizer, BioNTech deny Arbutus and Genevant’s Covid vaccine patent infringement claims

Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech re­spond­ed to a patent in­fringe­ment suit filed by Ar­bu­tus Bio­phar­ma and Genevant, deny­ing the ac­cu­sa­tion that their Covid-19 vac­cine in­fringed on patents held by Ar­bu­tus and li­censed to Genevant.

Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech on Mon­day filed their re­sponse in US Dis­trict Court for the Dis­trict of New Jer­sey to the suit filed in April. Ar­bu­tus and Genevant, par­tial­ly owned by Ar­bu­tus and Roivant, claimed the Covid vac­cine vi­o­lates five Ar­bu­tus patents, which cen­ter around com­pos­ing, man­u­fac­tur­ing, de­liv­er­ing and us­ing nu­cle­ic acid-lipid par­ti­cles.

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