Pfizer clinical trial registry aims to recruit one million people for research

Pfiz­er is look­ing to en­roll one mil­lion peo­ple for its new clin­i­cal tri­al reg­istry called Pfiz­er­Link. The bio­phar­ma is ad­ver­tis­ing the clin­i­cal tri­al con­nec­tor on so­cial me­dia and on­line, invit­ing both healthy vol­un­teers and peo­ple with med­ical con­di­tions to sign up for the ser­vice.

Dur­ing the sign-up process, po­ten­tial par­tic­i­pants share some health de­tails, and then Pfiz­er­Link will match them to ap­pro­pri­ate cur­rent — or fu­ture — Pfiz­er clin­i­cal tri­als and will al­so help par­tic­i­pants take the next step to con­nect to lo­cal study doc­tors.

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