Pfizer gathers Covid campaign ‘icons’ Martha Stewart, John Legend, Travis Kelce and more for latest booster push

Pfiz­er is round­ing up its Covid vac­cine celebri­ty in­flu­encers in­to one star-stud­ded ad­ver­tis­ing ef­fort.

The re­cent­ly de­buted TV and so­cial me­dia com­mer­cial opens with Martha Stew­art hon­ing a sword in the kitchen (from a pre­vi­ous cam­paign) as a nar­ra­tor asks: “Have you ever won­dered what an icon, a leg­end, a lega­cy, a pop star and a tight end have in com­mon? They all got this sea­son’s up­dat­ed Covid-19 shot to help bet­ter pro­tect them against re­cent vari­ants.”

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